Tryouts are going to be AUGUST 29th. Be at the field by 5:15 to get signed up. Be sure to bring your 5 dollar tryout fee along with cleats, water, etc. Tryouts are going to be held on Method Soccer Fields. There's a link below that shows a map on how to get there. The Varsity bus runs every fifteen minutes on campus for all students who dont have a car so make sure you leave ample time to get to the field. IF you feel up to it you can just walk down sullivan and its not too far from Lee or Sullivan hall. ALSO make sure you bring your student ID they might not let you on the field if you don't have it. There's a map posted below on exactly where it is as well as an address. Lastly pick-up will hopefully be starting up Wednesday anytime after 5:30 once i get clearance for the fields. Just keep up with our website. Email me if you have any questions

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